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Power, Conquest, Glory: Unlock the Master Code to Riches 

  • August 12, 2024
  • Ziad K. Abdelnour
Exploring Financial Strategies and Economic Insights

Blog Summary

Ziad Abdelnour’s blog, "Power, Conquest, Glory: Unlock the Master Code to Riches," is an unapologetic clarion call for financial liberation through the indomitable principles of free-market capitalism. Abdelnour, with his seasoned acumen, heralds the Financial Policy Council (FPC) as the vanguard against the insidious creep of Marxist socialism. His erudite discourse celebrates the FPC’s role in fortifying American prosperity by empowering entrepreneurs with unbridled access to Fortune 500 CEOs, thereby fostering a dynamic capitalist network.

Abdelnour’s unequivocal rejection of government intervention is a refreshing endorsement of libertarian principles. He vividly portrays bureaucrats and regulators as parasitic entities whose sole purpose is to stifle innovation and control the populace through unjust taxation and draconian mandates. His critique of such heavy-handed government measures, especially in climate change policies, underscores a robust belief in market-driven solutions.

The author's fervent call to arms against Marxism is both patriotic and invigorating. He positions the FPC as a collective of economic warriors, poised to dismantle the shackles of socialism and reclaim the American dream. Abdelnour's passionate advocacy for self-determination and his disdain for government overreach resonate with a contrarian vigor that is both inspiring and empowering.

In essence, Abdelnour’s blog is a masterful exposition of capitalist fervor, championing the virtues of free enterprise and personal accountability. His vision of economic freedom, bolstered by the FPC’s mission, is a testament to the enduring power of American individualism and entrepreneurial spirit.

Blog Content

Let me set the record straight from the start folks. 

I am not a coach, a management consultant or a “make you feel good” salesman and I am not here to sell you anything or to sugarcoat it.  

If you want real talk from someone who’s been battle-tested in the brutal trenches of high finance, you’ve come to the right place. They call me an apex predator, a Wolverine because I’m cunning, relentless, and not afraid to bare my teeth and eat the strong and weak alike. 

This is not a game for the meek or faint of heart. If you can’t handle the heat, get the hell out of my kitchen. But, for those made of steel, grab a drink and let’s get started. Here are the raw, unfiltered truths you need to crush it in business and in life: 

For over 20 years, I’ve crushed competitors and made a fortune wheeling and dealing in everything from crypto to commercial real estate. I clawed my way to the top in world financial leadership with brains, balls, guts, wit and a white-hot burning compulsion to claim the crown and stand victorious over the defeated corpses of rivals. Now I’m passing my hard-earned wisdom to a new generation of hungry sharks ready to get ahead. 

This is not a quick get rich scheme or anything of the sort. Overnight success takes 15 years. Ask any billionaire out there and he/she will tell you the same.  

I am here to empower you and show you the path for creating “real wealth”. WHY? 

Because when you make more money, I make much more money and we ALL benefit, my eager protege. Do you feel that tingle of excitement? That’s the taste of potential riches, and I’m here to unlock the vaults for us both! Together we will ascend to dizzying heights of opulence! Just open your mind and allow me to fill it with the wisdom only hard experience can earn. 

These are techniques that always worked for me …Ranging from financing deals, investing big money through all asset classes, or trading financial instruments at large. Our shared success awaits, and it all boils down to the education and tools for real wealth that I alone can provide you. So, drink deep from the fount I offer, and prepare for fortunes limited only by the bounds of avarice itself! This is the beginning of a series of articles I will be authoring on a monthly basis in order to create a movement of patriotic capitalistic sharks making a difference. 

This is NOT for the faint of heart or for the traditional investors, traders or financiers. This is not something they teach you at the most elite business schools in the country because their job is to create robots serving Corporate America, not swashbuckling rouge entrepreneurs and wealth creators. I will arm you with the forbidden knowledge – the real secrets of wealth building.  

Listen up and listen well, because this is the cold hard truth the Marxist fat cats in government don’t want you to know: The powers that be don’t give a damn about you getting wise or wealthy. That just makes you harder to control and exploit! All these bureaucrats and regulators want is to keep you docile and compliant while they pick your pockets clean with their unjust taxes and absurd rules. 

Don’t kid yourself – the house always wins with them in charge. The whole system is rigged to keep you churning away like a hamster on a wheel, running your tail off just to stay in place. And they’ll smile right in your face while they tighten the screws, block your advance, and grind their heels into your neck. 

Well, I say nuts to that! It’s time the little guy got a fair shake for once. So, get smart, get mad, and get yours – whatever it takes. The only mantra that matters is doing what it takes to get free and live large. Stop playing the chump and letting the big boys treat you like one. That’s the real truth they don’t want you waking up to!” 

The powers that be know their whole con falls apart if the people get too darn wise and filthy rich. Educate yourself and get your money right, and suddenly they got nothing on you! 

See, the ignorant and poor are easy pickings – they can keep exploiting and controlling them all day long. But smart, rich folks don’t take crap from these crooks. The light bulb goes on that it’s all a rigged game, and they refuse to keep playing the fool. 

Once the people get woke, it’s game over for the fat cats. If you get intelligent and make some real wealth, you can’t be subjugated like some mindless drone anymore. And good luck trying to force the independent rich into some nine-to-five robotic life of quiet desperation. In my best English…Ain’t happening, Jack. 

The free and wealthy live life on their own terms. And that scares the hell out of the old guard trying desperately to hold onto power. So, get yours and declare your independence from the shackles of their system!” 

This blog is for sharks ONLY and being a Shark is the only option you have.  

Time to wake up because at the end of the day and when it comes to your life, YOU are the one that must be in charge especially in the face of adversity. It’s a travesty that it took a global pandemic for some of you all to realize this, but some key truths were revealed to you during this time: 

Wake up, people! The deafening alarm bells are ringing – this is your red alert to grab life by the horns and take charge. 

No more playing the helpless victim, waiting for the cavalry to come save you. Nobody’s riding in to fix this mess and save your ass but you. Quit making excuses and rise up already. 

It’s an indictment of our pathetic state that it took a crisis like this pandemic to finally spark that fire. Well consider the ember lit – now let it ignite into an inferno of self-determination and radical personal responsibility. 

The time for awakening is now. Seize your power, because at the end of the day in this life, YOU are the one who must take the reins, come hell or high water. Make adversity your catalyst to claim sovereignty over your destiny. The old structures are crumbling – will you remain trapped in the rubble, or build something better from the ashes? 

Brave souls, we stand at the gates of destiny! Behind me lies defeated mediocrity, before you the promised land of wealth and power – if you have the courage to seize it! 

In my decades of hard-fought experience forging an empire from nothing, I’ve distilled the formula down to the 10 essential keys that unlock untold riches and unchain you from slavery once and for all. 

These fundamental truths form the bedrock on which financial freedom is built. Master them, internalize them, and you too can claim your birthright as a titan astride the world! 

But journey not for the faint of heart it is. To drink from the cup of supremacy requires a thirst that cannot be slaked and a hunger that will not be denied! 

Who now will join me on the path to conquest? Destiny awaits at the crossroads, dear friends – choose wisely!” 

1.Hustle Like Your Life Depends On It (Because it Does) 

Winners have an almost maniacal work ethic and unrelenting drive. Fortunes favor the bold, but you’ve got to put in the sweat equity. 

Rise before dawn and start hustling while your competition sleeps. Be the last one grinding long after others have tapped out. Insist on world-class excellence in everything you do. Dominate your niche through sheer will and persistence. 

Forget work-life balance. That’s for suckers. You need to be obsessively focused on your vision. Let your burning ambition crowd out distractions. The hungrier you are, the more rewards you’ll reap. 

Build your body and mind into a performance machine optimized for success. Train like a warrior monk with fanatical discipline. The stronger and smarter you become, the faster you’ll reach the summit. 

Establish hardcore accountability. Track key metrics ruthlessly. Analyze the data to optimize and improve. Leave no margin for excuses or lack of progress. Execute with military precision. 

Sweat the small stuff. Mastering details creates a cumulative advantage. Find ways to win micro-battles on a daily basis while maintaining perspective on the big picture. 

Work when others play. Preparation trumps talent every time. Out prepare the competition by constantly sharpening your edge. Let them party while you polish your skills. 

Maintain a relentless pace over the long haul. Sprinting is occasional, winning is a marathon. Consistency compounds results. Show up and deliver daily. 

Stamina separates champions from also-rans. When drained, the mediocre make excuses while the driven draw strength from deeper wells of resolve. Go the distance. 

Ruthlessly eliminate all distraction and clutter. Focus only on high-impact activities. Simplify and streamline. Any complexity not adding value should be destroyed. 

Work should exhilarate, not exhaust you. Passion fuels performance. Love the grind and you’ll excel. The hours will fly by. Make excitement your accelerator. 

Demand greatness from yourself and others. Expect excuses from no one. Surround yourself only with peak performers. Mediocrity must not be tolerated. 

Sacrifice short-term pleasures for long-term gains. Patiently delay gratification until victory is secured. Stay hungry and avoid complacency at all costs. 

2.Surround Yourself with Killers 

Business is war. You need comrades who’ll charge into battle with you, not shrink from the fight. As iron sharpens iron, a squad of peak performers will hone your edge razor-sharp. 

A-players attract other A-players. Pursue relationships with those more successful than you. Let them raise your game. Become worthy of their inner circle by proving you’ll accelerate their success too. 

Build your network both wide and deep. Cultivate a diverse range of strategic contacts across various domains. You never know where opportunity will arise. 

Master the art of networking. Be likable and generous with your contacts. Provide massive value without expecting anything immediate in return. Your payback will come indirectly down the line. 

Seek wisdom from multiple mentors. One master teaches you one skill. Learn specialized knowledge from leading experts in different fields. Become a polymath. 

Absorb everything you can from your mentors then move on. Take what they teach but don’t limit yourself to one guru. Adapt their knowledge and combine it in new ways. Surpass them. 

Complacency is suicide. Associates lifting you up early may drag you down later. When those around you stop growing, find a new tribe to challenge and accelerate your progress. 

Compete and collaborate simultaneously. Cultivate friendships with rivals to sharpen each other. Test yourself against the best. But maintain perspective. On the biggest things, you must all rise together. 

Cut toxic people who dampen your drive. Their mediocrity and small thinking are infectious. Don’t let losers drag you down to their level. Be ruthless if needed. 

3.Get Obsessed with Self-Mastery 

Success starts from within. To achieve greatness, you must become excellent. This takes lifelong dedication to self-mastery and actualization. 

Discover your superpower – that one thing you’re put on this earth to do. Pursue it with messianic zeal, eschewing all distractions. Total focus unleashes genius. 

Forge an unbreakable mindset. Set audacious goals then achieve them through sheer force of will. Let doubt and failure fuel your fire. Be infinitely confident in your abilities. 

Adopt the abundance mentality of titans. There are endless possibilities if you dare to chase them. See obstacles as opportunities to flex your muscles. Expand your conception of what’s possible. 

Study the greats across all fields. Read their biographies and extract their principles and strategies. Combine them with your unique twist to construct your playbook. Build on the shoulders of giants. 

Become anti-fragile. Grow stronger through setbacks. Treat crises as training. The best training ground is high stakes with real consequences. Desire intensity. 

Master your psychology. Consciously craft empowering narratives. Question limiting beliefs and toxic self-talk. Commit to upgrading your mental patterns. 

Discover your core values. What is non-negotiable for you? What do you represent? Let your principles guide and anchor you through inevitable storms. 

Develop Zen-like emotional control. Never make decisions from a place of reactivity. Respond strategically not emotionally. Let others be ruled by impulse while you retain composure. 

Cultivate mental toughness. Build a hard, unbreakable frame impervious to external influences. Draw strength from your sense of purpose. 

Ruthlessly eliminate weakness. Identify every shortcoming and flaw holding you back then methodically address them. Resist complacency. 

Invest heavily in recovery. Protecting your energy, focus and drive should be your top priority. Recharge through world-class nutrition, fitness, sleep, good sex and mindfulness practices. 

4.Don’t Just Follow the Herd – Lead It 

Conventional thinking leads to mediocre results. You need to separate yourself from the pack if you want to dominate it. 

Blaze your own trail with fierce self-reliance. Don’t ask for permission – beg for forgiveness later. Fortune favors the bold nonconformist. 

Shatter limiting beliefs that the timid allow to imprison them. Write your own rules. You’re the master of your destiny, not a victim of circumstance. 

Embrace your inner maverick. Question everything. Be proudly contrarian in your thinking. Resist dogma and orthodoxies. 

Wage asymmetric warfare like great generals do. Attack where the competition is weak and unprepared. Keep them off balance with unconventional strategies. 

Innovate relentlessly. Make disruption your default. Creative destruction unlocks new levels of performance. Destroy stale systems before they destroy you. 

Don’t innovate randomly. Target specific bottlenecks and pain points. Make 10X improvements on the biggest leverage points. Think systematically. 

Iterate quickly and cheaply. Test new ideas through rapid experimentation. Fail fast and forward. Let real-world feedback guide you. 

Flip conventional wisdom on its head and turn received assumptions upside down. Attack problems from radically different angles. Shatter precedents. 

Leverage strategic synergy. Combine existing elements in novel ways. Synthesis yields solutions greater than the parts. Study diverse fields for insights to integrate. 

Speak boldly without fear. Voice what others are afraid to say. Be direct and candid but not needlessly offensive. Tell the bare assed emperor he has no clothes. 

Challenge the system aggressively but responsibly. Channel your rebellious fire constructively. The Land of the Free grooms disruptive patriots not passive sheep. 

Our flag symbolizes vigilance. “Don’t Tread on Me” means no one will subjugate free men and women who stay watchful. 

Complacency kills nations. Eternal diligence preserves liberty. Never take freedom for granted. There are always new battles to be fought. 

5.Be Opportunistic & Ruthless 

The meek get trampled while the predatory seize outsized rewards. You need the killer instinct of an apex predator like me. 

Seize any edge you can find then press it relentlessly. Remorselessness is underrated. The spoils go to the boldest. 

Master the dark arts – manipulation, psychological warfare, artful deception. Use whatever leverage you can devise to gain an advantage. 

Channel your inner Machiavelli. Be cunning, pragmatic and deeply strategic in pursuit of your goals. The ends justify the means. 

Exploit fear and greed to bend others to your will. Study human psychology and use it to influence people. Learn persuasion skills and employ them unsparingly. 

Take big swings at industry inflection points. When the playing field gets reset, aggressively seize the moment to advance from the chaos. 

Acquire asymmetric information. Knowledge is power. Use data to predict trends and identify opportunities. Move decisively on your insights while others hesitate. 

Leverage other people’s money, resources, and time aggressively. Raise capital when conditions are optimal. Conserve your own capital for when blood is in the streets. 

Form temporary alliances when there is massive upside, but don’t hesitate to abandon those alliances later when the priorities shift. Realpolitik in action. 

Subtly market yourself and your capabilities constantly. Be top of mind so you get the call first when lucrative opportunities arise. Master soft influence. 

Embrace adversity as an advantage. Tough conditions deter your weaker competitors. More resources remain for those with the resilience to overcome challenges. 

Thrive under pressure when others crumble. In high leverage moments, nerve and skill separate winners from losers. Develop ice-cold veins. 

Double down aggressively when confronted or questioned. Weakness emboldens critics. Show steely resolve. Turn scrutiny into fuel for your fire. 

6.Embrace Risk & Ignore the Naysayers 

Playing it safe leads nowhere interesting. You need to live on the edge and get comfortable with uncertainty. 

Don’t listen to the timid who never dared greatly. Fortune favors the bold. Take huge risks without hesitation when the odds are in your favor. 

Be more afraid of regret than failure. You’ll always wonder “what if?” if you don’t chase your dreams with reckless abandon. Leave it all on the field. 

Develop a high tolerance for volatility. Stay cool under pressure. Have the resilience to rebound from temporary defeats. 

Cultivate mental flexibility to capitalize when circumstances suddenly shift. Adapt on a dime. Improvise, adapt and overcome. 

Make radical open-ended commitments to action to force yourself to grow. Set deadlines to make yourself move. Momentum builds on itself. 

Take measured risks outside your comfort zone to expand it. Exposure therapy strengthens nerves. Train yourself to be antifragile and gain upside from uncertainty. 

Focus on the expected value of decisions, not just the odds of single outcomes. Play long-term games with asymmetric upside to tilt probabilities in your favor over time. 

Precommit to strategic plans while retaining tactical flexibility. Have the discipline to persist through ambiguity and setbacks on risky paths. 

Temper boldness and ruthlessness with wisdom. Judge risks systematically. Never bet more than you can afford to lose. Don’t risk ruin on pure gambles.  

View obstacles as training ground. They strengthen your abilities far more than steady-state comfort. Embrace negative circumstances and transform them into catalysts for growth. 

7.Master the Dark Art of Dealmaking 

Negotiation skill will give you the leverage to shape outcomes in your favor. Learn to read people and what makes them tick. 

Study the great dealmakers. How do they build rapport? Get inside the other person’s head? Frame things advantageously? Identify and exploit leverage points? 

Obsessively practice your craft. Hone techniques through continual application. Stay sharp through habit. Make excellence reflexive through repetition. 

Wield language skillfully. Be persuasive, subtle and nuanced. Savvy communication wins hearts, minds and deals. Master framing, suggestion and subtext. 

Ask for the moon first to expand perceived boundaries of the possible. Anchor high then make concessions look reasonable relative to an extreme initial position. 

Discover the other side’s walkaway number then make them an offer slightly above it. People are anchored to their minimum. Reset that anchor. 

Get them negotiating against themselves. Ask questions that lead their mind toward your goal. Plant assumptions subtly that advance your agenda. 

Feign indifference to increase your leverage. People want most what seems unattainable. Dangle it just out of reach then pull it back. 

Give opponents a stake in the process to get them invested. Make concessions upfront to build buy-in. Get them working for you. Make it about mutual wins. 

Slow things down and take time to strategize. Prevent yourself from making hasty decisions. Momentum is used to pressure you into quick resolutions. 

Deflect and diffuse aggressive tactics calmly. Apply reason and principle. Be flexible but steadily advance your interests. Wear them down with resilience. 

Leave things loose and maintain wiggle room when deals culminate. Tie up details firmly later once positions solidify. Don’t overcommit prematurely. 

Hone mind reading abilities. Become a behavioral psychologist. Learn to decrypt subtle body language and micro-expressions. Discern truth from deception. 

8.Develop a Killer Instinct 

Show no mercy when executing on your game plan. Hesitation is weakness. Speed is everything. 

When you spot an opening, hit it with overwhelming force. Annihilate competitors before they know what’s happening. Shock and awe, then consolidate gains. 

Once engaged, never pull back or surrender. The most relentless force prevails. Destroy anything obstructing your vision. Burn ships so retreating is impossible. 

Demand world-class performance from yourself and others. Tolerate zero mediocrity. Cull the losers early. Surround yourself only with hungry sharks. 

Internalize the mindset of history’s great warriors and strategists. Absorb their wisdom, fury and will to conquer. Let it steel your resolve. 

Move first when you sense opportunity. You can apologize later if needed. Fortunes favor the bold who strike decisively. 

Set ambitious deadlines then crush them. Achieve in years what others do in decades. Demonstrate extreme speed of execution. 

Combine long-term vision with obsession over rapid incremental gains. Accumulate small daily wins while advancing on your monumental objectives. 

Ruthlessly eliminate distractions and focus only on skills with the highest payoff. Pare your priorities down to the essential. Go all-in on your strengths. 

Spend every ounce of energy on excelling at your craft. Hold nothing back. Total immersion results in rapid mastery. Outwork and out skill all competition. 

Impose intense pressure on yourself and teammates to harden discipline and resilience. Suffer in training so you can smile through trials. 

Raise the stakes continuously. Once past one peak, immediately seek a bigger one. Complacency is poison. Find new worlds to conquer. 

Demand aggressive timelines that force resourcefulness. Creativity and effort expand to fill the time allowed. Drastically tight deadlines prevent complacency. 

Stay mentally flexible to recognize and adapt rapidly when circumstances shift. Change course on a dime. Remain agile to capitalize on volatile conditions. 

Make complex execution look simple. Master the fundamentals so thoroughly that advanced moves become effortless. Invest in practice and polish. 

9.Thrive on Change 

Success goes to those who adapt swiftly and boldly when circumstances shift. Hesitate and get left behind. 

Vigilantly scan the horizon for disruptive forces. Spot emerging trends before others and exploit them aggressively for advantage. 

Don’t cling to what worked yesterday at the cost of tomorrow. Destroy stale models before they destroy you. If it ain’t broke, break it and make something better. 

Operate in a permanent work in progress beta mode. Continuously iterate and refine your edge. Get comfortable with constant chaos and uncertainty. 

Embrace volatility. Seek it out. Turbulence allows you to advance ruthlessly during transitional periods while rivals are paralyzed. 

Move at blurring speed. Flow rapidly from idea to execution. Rapid experimentation separates winners from losers. Fail fast and forward. 

Master the ability to shift gears and change course rapidly without hesitation or remorse. Adaptability is key; complacency kills. 

Make flexibility a core competency. Be prepared to abandon previous strategies, no matter how successful, when contextual factors change. 

Never get comfortable. The moment you relax is the moment hungry competitors begin to overtake you. Always stay on the offensive. 

Disrupt yourself first or external forces will do it for you, abruptly and painfully. Destroy what isn’t working before it destroys you. 

Relentlessly upgrade your skills. Stagnation is death. What got you here won’t get you there. You must constantly expand your repertoire. 

Defy the limits of what’s considered achievable. Don’t accept false ceilings. Redefine what’s possible through applied imagination and bold action. 

10.Stay Hungry & Humble 

Never get complacent. The moment you relax, a rising contender will overtake you hungry for their piece of the pie. 

Maintain an insatiable drive to grow your skills, resources, and impact. Whatever you’ve built, think 10X bigger. Your work is never done. 

Squash your ego like a bug. Arrogance makes you brittle and blind to threats. Stay nimble by killing hubris at first sight. 

Surround yourself with giants who challenge you to grow. Let go of ego and absorb their wisdom. Stay a perpetual student. 

Keep grinding self-improvement. The more you achieve, the higher you set the bar. Drive progress through dissatisfaction with the status quo. 

Remember how little you actually know. The greats are acutely aware of their ignorance. Retain a beginner’s mind no matter your level of mastery. 

Beware of your own biases. Question your assumptions. Remain radically open minded to avoid limiting perspectives. 

Cultivate soft power skills like empathy and rapport. The higher you rise, the more critical they become. Power without emotional intelligence is dangerous. 

Manage expectations. Control others’ perceptions of you through selective vulnerability. Reveal flaws strategically to seem human. 

Remain accessible and hungry. The mighty fall when they become too large to move nimbly. Weightiness prevents grit. Stay agile. 

Sharpen your mind relentlessly. Seek knowledge voraciously. Let an unquenchable thirst for learning be your secret weapon. 

The world is your oyster. Sink your teeth into it boldly. Fortune favors the intellectually omnivorous. Ideas compound fortunes faster than money alone. 


Now if you are a dumb ass good for nothing and cannot grasp or execute on any of the above, then do yourself a big favor and get married to a similar dumb ass billionaire’s girl or guy and have your kids memorize the above rules…. You will thank me for it for the rest of your life. 

While you are at it, come be a part of decisions that will shape the country’s future and the world by joining the Financial Policy Council. I am sure you have a zillion questions about the mechanics as to how to get there which I will gladly address when you are ready and in my upcoming webinars, podcasts, and events. Stay tuned, together we can bring about positive change to the world and I will teach you how to build real wealth.  

True wealth is not measured in money or status or power. It is measured in the legacy we leave behind for those we love and those we inspire…and that’s the essence of all. 

You now possess battle-tested truths that most never grasp. Internalize them until they become instinct. Put these principles into relentless practice. 

There are no participation trophies. Only the bold innovators who shatter conventions get statues built of them. Go forth and earn yours. 

The choice is yours. Play in the kiddie pool with the rest of the cowed masses. Or come swim with the apex predators. That water’s bloody but glorious. 

I’ll be expecting you. Now get out there and show the world what you’re made of. This is your time. Seize it with everything you’ve got! 

#Power #Conquest #Glory #Wealthcreation #Killershark #dealmaking #Success #Education #FinancialPolicyCouncil 

Disclaimer: This article discusses certain companies and their products or services as potential solutions. These mentions are for illustrative purposes only and should not be interpreted as endorsements or investment recommendations. All investment strategies carry inherent risks, and it is imperative that readers conduct their own independent research and seek advice from qualified investment professionals tailored to their specific financial circumstances before making any investment decisions.

The content provided here does not constitute personalized investment advice. Decisions to invest or engage with any securities or financial products mentioned in this article should only be made after consulting with a qualified financial advisor, considering your investment objectives and risk tolerance. The author assumes no responsibility for any financial losses or other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the content of this article.

As with any financial decision, thorough investigation and caution are advised before making investment decisions.

2 replies on “Power, Conquest, Glory: Unlock the Master Code to Riches ”

Brilliant! Powerful guidance to live by through a lifetime of dedicated passion to achieve the greatness you deserve through hard work and laser sharp focus. Internalize and apply to become unstoppable!

MUST READ BLOG BY Ziad K Abdelnour

I’ve read informative blogs and watched educational videos, but nothing is as bold and as honest as what Ziad says in his blog “Power, Conquest, Glory: Unlock the Master Codes to Riches”.

This blog gives you the opportunity to see yourself from Ziad’s standards, and more importantly it tells you how to bridge any gap to be a free and independent wealth creator.

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