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CHECKMATE COMMUNISM: The Most Critical Chess Game of Our Lives 

  • August 29, 2024
  • Jasmine Bingham
Exploring Financial Strategies and Economic Insights

Blog Summary

The blog post "Checkmate Communism: The Most Critical Chess Game of Our Lives" draws parallels between the current political climate in the United States and Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged." The author argues that America is facing a critical struggle between capitalism and communism, with individual freedoms at stake.

The piece highlights recent events, such as perceived government overreach and media complicity, as signs of encroaching authoritarianism. It warns about the dangers of communism, citing historical examples and current global events. The author emphasizes the importance of preserving free speech, economic liberty, and innovation.

The blog calls for unity among Americans, regardless of party affiliation, to combat what it sees as a threat to democracy and capitalism. It suggests that emerging technologies like blockchain and decentralized networks could be powerful tools against authoritarianism if properly leveraged.

The post concludes with a call to action, urging readers to engage in various activities to promote economic freedom. These range from sharing information on social media to becoming active members of the Financial Policy Council (FPC). The author presents a step-by-step action plan for different levels of engagement and includes a success story to illustrate the potential impact of individual action.

Overall, the blog post serves as a rallying cry for those concerned about economic freedom and individual liberty, framing the current political situation as a critical moment that requires active participation from citizens to preserve American values and prosperity.

Blog Content

Imagine a revolving chessboard where the PAWNS (our individual freedoms) scramble for sure-footing against the onslaught of the KNIGHTS (their economic policies), as directed by the KINGS (competing ideologies dictated by those in power). There is no re-match in this high-stakes game. Every move we make—or fail to make—shapes the future of our society. The pieces are in constant motion, no time clocks allowed while we consider our next move. Will we choose wisely to checkmate the forces of authoritarianism, or will we find ourselves backed in a corner of our own making, gasping for the breath of liberty as the board itself becomes our stranglehold? 

It is surreal that we are living through the dystopia of my favorite novel: Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand (Random House, 1957). Parallel times depicting the creep of government-as-everything (also known as Communism), facing off against the rise of Capitalism in the United States. An effective way to understand today’s challenges is to view the parallels of history through riveting fiction, an uncanny mirror of our struggles today, written by an author who experienced Communist Russia. 

The struggle of Communism versus Capitalism is the most important chess game of our lives. 

In order to win, we must acknowledge the danger of losing this global game of power. If we lose, we lose everything. Division is not an option (it is what they want). Unification is the only answer (we are the host, they are the parasite). As Americans united, will we be able to eradicate it, once and for all. 

As censorship now takes hold across the world, now is the crucial time to acknowledge and address this watershed moment in the United States of America. The Financial Policy Council (a non-profit 501-3C), acts as an independent forum for exploring the complex issues facing America today. And there is no greater threat to our country and way of life than Communism. It will, as history shows, stifle the freedoms of individuality and innovation. Without both, we will perish. 

“Who is John Galt”  

This question is the first line of the book. John Galt was an industrialist who reached his breaking point as the system crushed innovators. He saved himself by removing himself–and his life-changing invention–from society.  

Going John Galt means depriving the world of innovation, efficiency– survival itself, in the end. John Galt is someone who adds immense value to the world; innovation that shifts the curve of life as we know it for the better. In Atlas Shrugged, these individuals were industrialists. In today’s world, they are technologists

As the plot thickens, Rand systematically allows the effects of irrational, economically crippling government policies play out: market upheavals, inflation, shortages, bankruptcies, suicides, and a spike in all forms of criminality. Importantly, the plot intricately details the incestuous role of complicit media (bought and paid for, no qualms about treading over Constitutional law). 

Ayn Rand was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 1905. The Russian Empire would be crushed by the Bolshevik Revolution, led by Vladimir Lenin. This shaped her philosophy of Objectivism, which recognizes those who add value by supporting them, allowing them freedom to pursue their strengths, without apology. From that freedom to deliver excellence comes remarkable evolution. In other words, WE ALL BENEFIT. 

Communists call this selfish–they are the loudest proponents of the COMMON GOOD. 

What they fail to tell you is: historical fact proves Communist policies destroy markets that produce what is crucial for sustainability and prosperity. Everyone should do their own research of current events in Brazil and Venezuela to see Communism’s aftermath. Watch inverse developments in Argentina as Xavier Milei pivots to free markets. The mess of Europe offers an even uglier view of unelected bureaucracy strangling industry. Now with egregious censorship. 

How does a population that has never experienced Communism understand its danger?  

In American history, the best similarity to Communism’s end-game would be living through The Great Depression. Today, we are regressing to that point and beyond. 

How do we know when we are in Full Communist Mode? 

Events of the past two months have opened our collective eyes to a lot, would you agree? A debate proved the current President of the United States cannot coherently speak a sentence let alone comprehend one. He was forced out of office by whom, we still do not have an official account (it was posted on X on plain stationery) and we had no say in who to replace him with in this current administration. In fact, we do not know who is running our country–going on three months. 

As August 2024 nears its ugly end (Hurricane Debby and Margin Monday on the 5th), we see a DNC platform rife with taxes and regulations, Communism without explanation or apology. Now is the time to educate ourselves about the differences, for they truly will determine our survival or our extinction. 

Whoever is running the USA is systematically dismantling Capitalism. Our individual freedoms are the first to go. Just as in Atlas Shrugged, regulations, restrictions, cancellations, taxations, etc., are pushing good people to go John Galt. By running on a platform that doubles capital gains tax to 46% and places a 25% tax on unrealized gains, they are broadcasting to the innovators to convert their assets into Bitcoin and physical Gold (they will go John Galt). 

The parallel theme of Atlas Shrugged is universal dystopia pushed by a complicit media. This is why Communism is so invasive to society: it can only be fueled by the lies of the government as spread by its communications partner-in-crime. A level playing field is crucial to win this deadly game of chess. And the Truth is the only way to level the playing field. Truth must be shared with all because, at this point, it is a matter of life or death.  

But these parallels are not confined to the pages of Rand’s novel. The eerie similarities between Rand’s fiction and our reality extend beyond mere imagination or art imitates life. Consider the recent global supply chain disruptions, reminiscent of the novel’s economic collapse. In 2023, we witnessed unprecedented shortages in semiconductors, affecting industries from automotive to consumer electronics. This real-world ‘bottleneck’ mirrors the strategic withholding of resources by Galt and his allies, demonstrating how centralized control and overregulation can cripple even the most robust economies. 

Communism needs to sugarcoat its deadly agenda: You are the slave. Once enslaved in their system, you will do what you are told to be provided food and shelter. You will give up whatever aspirations you had.  This is the precursor to the fall of civilization, as we know it. 

Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right. 

An unelected power will decide what is Truth. Go against them and you will go to jail. They decide who remains free to communicate what mirrors their Truth. Some will remain free to spew their vitriol. Others will be silenced for wrong speak. 

Unfortunately, Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder of Telegram (an encrypted messaging app very popular in Russia and Eastern Europe) has now been arrested in France and faces a 20-year sentence for refusing to censor his platform. The CEO of Rumble was able to escape from France soon after he heard this news. Who will be next? 

How Can Communism Be Exposed? 

  • We must counter censorship at every turn. 
  • Our Constitution sets a strong precedence for Freedom of Speech. 
  • Censorship is anathema to Democracy. 
  • All citizens should be aware of what affects our nation. 
  • Our sovereignty is based on law and order, on borders, on sound fiscal policy, on integrity, etc. 

The FPC’s commitment to safeguarding capitalism and driving economic prosperity extends beyond traditional advocacy and research. In an era where the very fabric of free enterprise is under threat, the FPC is pioneering innovative approaches to ensure that the principles of capitalism not only survive but thrive in the modern world.  

These include: 

1. Democratizing capital access via new technologies 

2. Educating future capitalist leaders 

3. Building a global network of over 300,000 pro-capitalism advocates 

4. Promoting capitalism as a force for social good 

5. Supporting small businesses and ethical global trade 

6. Integrating sustainability into capitalist models 

7. Addressing workforce challenges in an automated economy 

8. Engaging with policymakers to defend free enterprise 

By combining innovative thinking with data-driven advocacy, the FPC is shaping a resilient, dynamic capitalist economy ready for future challenges.” 

How Can Communism Be Defeated?  

We are all Americans. Put your party affiliation aside, just as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. just did. Many devout Democrats understand this is a different game. A much more dangerous game. Issues are ignored. Substance is lacking.  

As we stand at this critical juncture, a startling realization emerges: the very technologies often vilified as tools of control—blockchain, decentralized networks, and encrypted communications—may be our most potent weapons against authoritarianism.  

Just as Galt’s energy device in Atlas Shrugged represented a paradigm shift, these innovations offer us the path to: decentralize power; ensure transparency; and safeguard individual liberties. The surest way to preserve our freedoms may lie in embracing and shaping these technologies before they can be co-opted by those who would use them against us. 

Democratic voters are now seeing the Unification of Americans. 

Through the example of RFK, Jr. and Trump, perhaps America may also unite. We can show our strength at the voting booth on November 5, 2024. 


As we face the encroachment of authoritarianism, it is clear this is not a distant threat but a clear and present danger. We are witnessing the systematic (and systemic) erosion of the freedoms and rights that have long been the cornerstone of our society. However, we are not powerless. By understanding the lessons of the past and embracing technological innovations that decentralize power, we can arm ourselves with the knowledge and tools necessary to protect our future. 

It is imperative that we foster a culture of active citizenship, where individuals are not only aware of their rights but also engaged in the political process to defend them. This means supporting policies that protect civil liberties; advocating for a free and independent press; and promoting education that empowers citizens to think critically and question authority. 

The path forward is clear: we must safeguard our freedoms and strive to create a world where liberty and opportunity are preserved for generations to come. But how do we translate this understanding into action? 

Your Role in Safeguarding Economic Freedom 

The battle for economic liberty is not fought solely in the halls of power—it begins with individual action. Here’s how you can make a difference, regardless of your current level of engagement: 

Step-by-Step Action Plan 

1. For Everyone: 

  • Share this blog post on your social media platforms using #EconomicFreedom  #FPCInsights 
  • Engage in discussions about economic policies with friends and family 

2. For Those Ready to Dive Deeper: 

  • Read “Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt to strengthen your understanding of free-market principles 
  • Write a letter to your local representative expressing support for pro-capitalist policies 

3. For Committed Advocates: 

  • Become an FPC member and access exclusive resources and networking opportunities 
  • Volunteer for FPC initiatives in your community 
  • Consider making a donation to support FPC’s research and advocacy efforts 

4. For Future Leaders: 

  • Apply for FPC’s internship or mentorship programs 
  • Propose and lead a local project that promotes economic freedom 
  • Contribute articles or research to FPC publications 

Success Story: The Power of Individual Action 

Meet Sarah, a software engineer from Austin, Texas. After reading about the threat to economic freedom, she decided to act. Sarah started by sharing informative posts about free-market principles on her social media, sparking conversations among her tech industry peers. 

Motivated by the positive response, she organized a monthly “Free Market Tech Meetup” where local professionals discussed how to foster innovation without excessive regulation. The meetup grew rapidly, attracting the attention of local policymakers. 

Within a year, Sarah was invited to testify at a state legislative hearing on tech regulation. Her grassroots movement had grown into an influential voice in shaping state-level tech policies, demonstrating how one person’s initiative can create a ripple effect of change. 

Sarah’s journey from concerned citizen to policy influencer began with a single step. You, too, have the power to ignite change. Whether you’re sharing a post or leading a movement, every action counts in our collective effort to preserve economic freedom. 

Join us at the Financial Policy Council today, and let’s write the next success story together. Contact us at info@financialpolicycouncil.org to get started on your journey as a champion of economic liberty. Together, we can ensure that the American dream remains within reach for future generations. 

If you agree with our passion, please support the Financial Policy Council

Please visit our website: https://financialpolicycouncil.org/  

And join me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jzbingham/ 


  1. https://aynrand.org/novels/atlas-shrugged
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_Shrugged
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/October_Revolution
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Lenin
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objectivism
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javier_Milei
  7. https://www.britannica.com/event/Great-Depression
  8. https://nypost.com/2024/08/16/us-news/kamala-harris-unveils-economic-plan-including-a-whopping-1-7t-in-handouts-fed-ban-on-grocery-store-price-gouging
  9. https://nypost.com/cover/august-17-2024
  10. https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/v2/D5622AQFaSEBJ2JkURA/feedshare-shrink_800/feedshare-shrink_800/0/1722958913635?e=1727308800&v=beta&t=PDbl2aaTHe6AIgjM0y_kcR1jBDxRNpb7LfSd6Nr8870
  11. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/glue-binding-democracy-and-free-economy-has-melted
  12. Why State Enforcement Of “Fairness” Is Wrong | ZeroHedge 
  13. Rutgers Prof Who Said She Hoped Trump Shooting Would “Inspire Others” Will Teach This Fall | ZeroHedge 
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavel_Durov
  15. https://telegram.org
  16. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/billionaire-telegram-ceo-pavel-durov-arrested-france
  17. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/rumble-ceo-escapes-france-after-telegram-ceo-is/

Disclaimer: This article discusses certain companies and their products or services as potential solutions. These mentions are for illustrative purposes only and should not be interpreted as endorsements or investment recommendations. All investment strategies carry inherent risks, and it is imperative that readers conduct their own independent research and seek advice from qualified investment professionals tailored to their specific financial circumstances before making any investment decisions.

The content provided here does not constitute personalized investment advice. Decisions to invest or engage with any securities or financial products mentioned in this article should only be made after consulting with a qualified financial advisor, considering your investment objectives and risk tolerance. The author assumes no responsibility for any financial losses or other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the content of this article.

As with any financial decision, thorough investigation and caution are advised before making investment decisions.

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