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Author: Ziad K. Abdelnour


Are Gold and Silver Real Money? Former Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke answers no.  And so do America’s youth.  Both clueless. The youth,...

When Are We Going to Ever Stop Falling for the Con Out There? 

If you’re scratching your head wondering how so many people and institutions could’ve invested so much trust and money into...

Bucking the Status Quo

Somewhere around 100AD a Roman named Tacitus said, “If you would know who controls you see who you may not...

Does the United States Still Have an Economy?

 The US financial sector has long looted other countries. A number of participants have described the process. First a country...

2022: Why Capitalism is the Only answer to freedom, prosperity and well-being.

Frankly, I don’t know what’s happening to America anymore. I am just afraid we have become a nation that has...

Real Wealth Creation: Wealth for Generations to Come

Everyone wants to craft some “genius” plan to become wealthy, but how many people are actually planning to create long...

The Most Common Reason More People Aren’t Buying Crypto

It’s no secret, if you want to build real wealth, you have to learn how to strategically make your money...

Reducing the Risk: Angel Investing

As a renowned investor, I get a lot of questions about how to invest. One of the questions I get...

Where Did We Go Wrong: Polarization of US Politics

US politics has its flaws just as any other political system. However, people have been afraid to speak out on...

Lessons Learned from the 1929 Stock Market Crash

A lot of people have been questioning if we will experience another stock market crash in the near future. Chances...