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Author: Ziad K. Abdelnour

The Bigger Picture

While racism is an issue that must be addressed, we cannot turn a blind eye to what is the bigger...

We are under spiritual attack. Are you prepared for war?

It’s time to wake up and face the truth. We are under attack, but I am not talking physical combat...

Ripping Off the Band-Aid: Why Payment Protection Programs are Not Good in The Long Term

With speculation that another grand wave of COVID will strike again by fall, business owners and entrepreneurs should be stirring...

Negative Conflict

Our nation has been staring adversity straight in the eye, especially over the past few months. I have to break...

The Road to Tyranny

Forward by Ziad K. Abdelnour – Founder & Chairman; Financial Policy Council and President & CEO Blackhawk Partners Partly in...

Regulating Social Media – Yeah or Nay

How safe do you feel on social media? On the one side, we have huge proponents of social media saying...

What Does It Take to Be a BIG Disruptor?

Today, almost every new technology is being called “disruptive,” and it’s mostly because that specific word has been overused for...

Bitcoin: Drawing the Line Between Investors and Gamblers

People who bought and held their .01 bitcoins from 2010 could have enjoyed an increase in value of 119,999,900 percent. If...

Why Keep the Mortgage Interest Deduction Intact for Now

Arguments over the mortgage interest deduction are not new and arise from both sides of the political spectrum. It’s important...

Understanding and dealing with bubbles – a review of the state of the art

Take a close look around you. There seems to be today bubbles boiling up everywhere. There are bubbly stock markets...