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What is turning the United States ‘Socialist/Communist’?

  • March 11, 2024

Some four years ago, the radical left staged what amounted to a coup d’état and took control of the United States government.  The events surrounding that coup — and the horrific policies that followed — have been described many times: the COVID “vaccine” hoax, rigged elections, imprisoning dissenters, weaponizing the Judiciary, open borders, the pointless killing in Ukraine.  Yet no one has explained why all this happened or how to stop it.

The fact that no scholars or media have even attempted to explain this power-grab itself partly reveals the explanation.  If we ask why people on the left took power, then eventually someone will ask why people on the right allowed it to.

If we want to extricate ourselves from this debacle, we must start examining what the right — and the rest of us — are doing wrong. Despite spending billions of dollars supporting its infrastructure the establishment Right has registered no clear gains and many clear losses. Isn’t it time we start asking why? The only remedy lies in re-examining serious mistakes we would all rather just forget.

When explaining the tyranny closing in around us, we naturally blame centers of hidden power: rogue security services, health authorities spreading illness, plutocrats re-engineering the planet. But these are not where it began.  It all began with how we addressed the most basic problem of modern industrial society: the problem of the poor.  If the “Deep State” is defined as powerful people using impersonal bureaucracies to forcibly control the private lives of millions of non-criminal citizens, the original “Deep State” is the welfare state.

Welfare accomplished what slavery and segregation could not: it destabilized the African-American family and created a permanent underclass of impoverished single mothers, fatherless children, and criminalized fathers.  Because every social pathology is directly attributable to fatherless homes, the result was a self-destructive horde of criminals, delinquents, addicts, and derelicts that proceeded to tear down their own communities. It also bred an angry subculture of victimization, entitlement, and resentment.

The only way to loosen the politicos’ grip is to restore the sovereignty of the unpaid citizen and produce a path conducive to financial independence not dependence. This is feasible, Enough citizens will spontaneously rise to the occasion. The trick is to ensure that they are not sabotaged by a political class that postures as their friends, stabs them in the back, and imposes a mental tyranny. That means bypassing and standing up to the political class of both the left and the right as well  It is they whose fecklessness enables the tyranny.  As long as we defer to them, rather than seizing the initiative, we enable it, too.

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