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The Art of the Brainwash

  • April 8, 2024

Sometimes I wonder why and most importantly HOW do you get tens of millions of Americans, to believe ideas that at first glance seem to be nothing less than crazy? Like….

* The idea that a male can become a female by feeling that he is a female, and vice versa.
* The idea that there is nothing morally objectionable about killing an unborn baby at any point, even the last minute, during a nine-month pregnancy.
* The idea that almost all white Americans, except for those who are political liberals, are anti-black racists.
* The idea that compassionate people should feel especially compassionate toward career criminals, provided these criminals belong to a minority group.

Well, you “sell” these crazy-but-fashionable ideas to a substantial fraction of the American public, the same way you sell any other items of mass consumption.

1.The ideas are manufactured by left-wing intellectuals at two places: think-tanks and some of our nation’s “best” universities. Occasionally, a crazy idea is created by a solo thinker, but he (or she) is soon co-opted by a think-tank or university.
2. Wholesale distribution of these ideas is the responsibility of publishers, cable news channels (especially CNN and MSNBC), journalists , the entertainment industry, and liberal pulpits.
3. Retail distribution of these crazy ideas is the task of (a) teachers in college classrooms, (b) college students talking to fellow college students, (c) schoolteachers of K–12 children, and — perhaps most important — (d) Democrat politicians and their support staffs.
4. The ultimate consumer is the voter, above all the Democrat voter.

These voters, though they support a crazy ideology, are usually not ideologues themselves. But they consider themselves good Democrats, and so they walk the line.

But WHY, if they are not persuaded by this leftist ideology, do they support a party that is strongly committed to this ideology?

Any of a number of reasons.

(a) Voting Democrat may be a family tradition; to vote otherwise seems like a betrayal of their parents and grandparents.
(b) Voting Democrat may be a longstanding characteristic of their demographic group — e.g., Jews or blacks.
(c) Voting Democrat may be in their economic interest — e.g., government workers or the result of a longstanding animosity toward Republicans.
(d) Voting Democrat, especially for many elderly voters, may be the result of their imagining that the Democrat party of Joe Biden is still the Democrat party of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John Kennedy.

So the bargain is: “You tell the public to vote for us, and in exchange we’ll go along with your crazy ideas.”

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