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Surviving and Prospering During the Upcoming Mayhem

  • June 27, 2024

Surviving and Prospering During the Upcoming Mayhem

I seem to be able to see things coming way before others can even imagine them. Some may call it a blessing. In some ways it is a curse.

I was one of the first business men who predicted the 2007–08 subprime mortgage crisis in the United States and the subsequent global financial crisis back in 2008

I was one of the first investors to recommend #Bitcoin at $3 in 2011. Hardly anyone listened to me at the time as this new “computer money” seemed crazy. $70,000 later… Then I recommended #Ethereum at $2 in 2016. It went on to hit $5,000!

So, you should pay extra attention when I tell you now that you should be rapidly preparing for an apocalyptic few years ahead in the West. Whether it is #WorldWarIII, Disease X or Bird flu #pandemics, #cyberattacks or the #financialsystem collapse… things are about to get insane.

The ‘curse’ part about seeing things ahead of time is that hardly anyone ever listens. People wait until it is too late and then end up in a much worse position.

So, I hope you will listen to me now when I tell you that you need to prepare yourself in a major way; especially if #Biden is re-elected.

Some seismic political shift has got to happen; if not rest assured that CBDC and enslavement are the establishment’s goals and agenda though it will not work.

In the meantime, there isn’t much time left to get all the best information and act on it in whatever way you can.

Be aware and prepared.. Whether it be ideas on living off the grid, tapping into energies, preparing yourself physically, mentally and spiritually for what is to come and much, much more.

In fact, I am predicting those upcoming major events will shift the world dramatically and cause a lot of pain and suffering for billions will happen as soon as this fall.

This is not “scare tactics”. This is based upon irrefutable evidence that recently came to my attention. After all, it is all up to you.

In the meantime, come to the Financial Policy Council https://lnkd.in/eZU2UgYd, be a part of decisions that will shape your future & share your thoughts.

May the odds be forever in your favor!

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