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Still a Puppeteer to the Puppet Masters?

  • February 27, 2024

It is a fact that we have given today too much control over our daily lives to the media.

It amazes me how many people out there simply don’t have a mind of their own anymore. They have become brainwashed and reliant on the instruction of the government and their media puppets on how to live their lives. No one wants to be educated on the facts anymore. They want someone to tell them what to do, so they can blindly follow orders. They have traded in their mind and voice in exchange for a new set of puppet strings.

Dance puppet, dance.

Well, why is this happening? Some people lack common sense. For others, it’s a way to artificially boost their self-esteem and make themselves feel included in something. Some can’t separate fact from fiction, so they just follow along with everyone else. Others are just apathetic and don`t want to think critically about what they do or do not believe. And a lot of people are simply afraid to speak out.

No one has the guts to voice their opinions and question authority anymore. They’re all too scared to point out what’s obviously wrong. They assume that if they hear something often enough or hear it from an authority figure that it must be fact. People are just afraid to challenge what they hear from the media or leaders/government. No one wants to stand up for themselves anymore and Lord forbids if you decide to cut the puppet strings and wake up. If you do, you become a “threat to society.” Go figure….

The truth is, the government wants you fat, lazy, and stupid. And you have all fallen right into the trap.

Just look at the current state of the world. If you question authority, you are dangerous and must be an outcast.

Well, I challenge you to be dangerous. Don’t accept something as fact simply because you heard it on the news. Do your research and come up with your own answers. No longer settle for survival off of stimulus monies and unemployment checks, re-enter the workforce or get back to your business. The only way to get back in control of your lives.

It’s time to wake up people!

Society can’t afford to continue to let political leaders and media outlets lead us down a rabbit hole of disaster. It’s time to stop blindly following orders for the sake of blending in with the masses. Be bold and voice your opinions because the truth is there are others out there who want to question authority but are too afraid to step up. The real truth is out there, you just have to go out and find it. So, stop letting what you hear in the media control you.

It is high time to cut the puppet strings and reclaim our lives.

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