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Righting the Wrongs of Capitalism

  • March 29, 2024

Let’s set the record straight folks… Capitalism exists only in individual freedom to choose. True capitalism doesn’t spring from any law or any government. The economic system called capitalism arose naturally from the individual freedom on which our nation was founded.

It is a fact that Capitalism has been maligned for decades. The main arguments against are greed and avarice. No doubt some capitalists are guilty; however, the vast majority of business owners, inventors, and founders created a better way that other people want. In a capitalist economy, individuals decide, not governments.

Cronyism is not capitalism. Cronyism uses the power of government to subvert free enterprise. It creates an unfair advantage through manipulation of a market. While it is legal for Musk or a Buffett to use government contracts to keep a market to themselves, it is not ethical to do so. For instance, the subsidy E.V.s get from the government distorts the market; it takes money in the form of taxes from one person to pay off another.

All federal revenue comes from taking from the individual. The government is not capable of generating profit, so it must tax its citizens. Government is antithetical to individual freedom and, therefore, to capitalism. It’s a zero-sum game: what government has, it must take and the individual must give up. There must be a limit, a balance. If not, the system will not sustain itself.
Ayn Rand wrote volumes on this topic, as did Milton Freedman and the entire Austrian Schools of Economics.

Federal Debt
Federal debt is really your debt, since every wage-earner must pay it back.
When the government, especially the Administrative State and Congress, spend more that they take in through taxes, the government places every citizen in our nation into debt, just so the politicians can continue to spend other people’s money. The solution is to force government, through elected politicians, to stop and reduce spending.

The key point in here is that freedom to choose, free of government influence, perpetuates capitalism. Even the poorest among us benefit greatly from free markets. It’s too bad that the government wants to pay people to remain in poverty, using welfare and entitlements. Instead, we should encourage people to engage in the uplifting process of fending for themselves. Entitlement breeds dependency. Free enterprise, capitalism, breeds independence.

We have a golden opportunity to right the wrongs and bring order to the chaos.

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