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Is America headed for a Civil War?

  • May 5, 2024

War is what generally happens when two (or more) sides get to a point where they can no longer peacefully coexist with the current circumstances. America seems to have reached that point…

How does one know a civil war is coming? Have you been on a college campus lately?

2024 is an echo of 1968. Today, the ostensible catalyst for what we’re seeing on campuses across the country is the alleged Israeli “genocide” happening in Gaza. In ’68, the students were protesting the Vietnam War (they were really protesting the draft; the war was just the rallying point), and then, as now, Columbia was the epicenter.

The difference between 1968 and 2024 is that, back then, most of the country disagreed with the protesters.

In November 1968 was at a time when most Democrats were strongly anti-communist, and being pro-American was considered normal, almost required.

Today, we have a completely different landscape. In 2024, Democrats are virtually indistinguishable from communists, and being pro-American is seen as racist.

Hence, the college protests. They’re not just pro-Hamas; they’re much, much more. They’re at their core not just anti-Israel, they’re anti-Semitic, they’re anti-American, anti-Western, anti-capitalist, anti-police, and of course, anti-white.

Sadly, it is a fact that half the American population has become today anti-everything America once stood for, and that half is actively leveraging the power of the government to “fundamentally transform the United States of America” against everything traditionally American. The country is sitting on a powder keg.

Which is where these college protests come in. Funded by George Soros, I believe the protests will spill out beyond the universities, returning to bridges, highways, and other choke points around the country.

But the lines will be drawn.

On the one side will be Americans who understand exactly how fortunate we are, how difficult it is to create prosperity and how, while imperfect, America is the greatest nation yet produced.

On the other side will be Americans who know little about history, spit on their birthright, and seek to turn the United States into Venezuela. At some point the former will decide they’ve had enough and do what they need to do to put a stop to it.

By showing America exactly who they are and how much they hate everything about America, perhaps enough non-radicalized Democrats will see the light and vote for the guy who promises to put America first. They might still hate him, but we can hope they’ll love their country more. If enough do, we just might avoid another civil war…

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