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Freedom or Slavery? Time to Choose

  • August 3, 2024

It is a crazy time to be alive.  We have economic uncertainty, threats of war, political violence, and social turmoil.  An assassin nearly took President Trump’s life.  Puppet President Biden has been recycled for a younger model.  The Olympic Games openly mocks Christianity and celebrates transvestitism.  The EU, Russia, China, Iran, Israel, and the U.S. are all tiptoeing toward a little nuclear tête-à-tête.  Our time is not an easy time…but it is one ripe with significance.

Is this a contest between communism and capitalism?  Is it a war between West and East?  Is it a clash of civilizations, cultures, religions, and traditional beliefs?  It is all of that and more?  At its heart, the revolution that is picking up speed throughout the world centers on one essential conflict: state supremacy versus individual freedom.

The war that has already begun is the mechanism for answering a straightforward question: how much liberty will each of us be “allowed” to possess, and how much control will governments maintain over their respective populations?  As with all wars, this one concerns the exercise and retention of power.  Somewhat uniquely, however, our war will decide whether we individual humans are ultimately sovereign arbiters over the direction of our personal lives, or whether we are disposable cogs in an all-powerful government machine.

Not so many decades ago, American citizens shared a common understanding that government is a necessary evil. The Fourth of July, after all, has always been a holiday for remembering our ancestors’ rejection of government tyranny and their principled defense of inalienable rights.  Independence Day is not a time for praising the federal government; it is a patriotic festival for remembering liberty’s triumph over government.

Regrettably, the occupying forces in D.C. have done a good job of making that distinction disappear. President #Obama was openly mocking proponents of “limited government” as rabble-rousing “anarchists.”  From Obama’s presidency to the present, relentless public messaging has been clear: government power is good and even better when it grows.

As for me, I’m fond of something Benjamin Franklin wrote: “Where liberty dwells, there is my country.”  There’s trouble ahead.  You can feel it.  Globalists desperately want their technocratic dictatorship.  History’s door is rattling, and we don’t yet know what’s on the other side.  But I’ll fight like hell to find out.  After all, this is still our country.

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