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AI and the destruction of America

  • August 19, 2024
AI threats to privacy

Seen the latest? 2.9 billion records, including Social Security numbers, stolen in data hack at https://lnkd.in/ee_xV4_d ?

You all know by now that I am death on the #digitalrevolution. I regard it as an equivalent disaster to the creation of nuclear weapons. Both can, and most likely will, destroy our lives, nuclear weapons by physically destroying us, and the digital revolution by destroying our #freedom.

The digital revolution is the foundation, already in place, for the police state, and it will be a total police state far worse than the one in #GeorgeOrwell’s 1984. The fact that the nerds who came up with the digital revolution were too stupid to see the consequences indicates that tech people are really not very smart. Whenever man plays God disaster results.

What has happened, I believe, is that in order to boost the company’s profits and thus the “performance bonuses” of the executives and board, the company spends minimal money on maintenance and has replaced its own repair servicemen with outside contractors, reporting the cost savings as profits. In other words, the company is being sucked dry by its executives. This is America today.

In the old analog world this was impossible. Every newspaper had a morgue. Every library had printed evidence as did everyone who had books, newspapers, magazines. Today the information – such as for example #Trump’s accomplishments – is in a cloud subject to denial of access and erasure. #Google is putting our actual history in the Memory Hole and creating a new fictional history consistent with the official narratives.

The digital revolution has totally destroyed our privacy and our security. In other words, they put your entire identification on the Internet where any hacker can steal your identity, open accounts and credit cards in your name, and hack into your bank and investment accounts. I am told that I can “limit some but not all sharing.”

Some nerds at #StanfordUniversity have actually created the ability to create a video of a person speaking in his own voice with lips matching the words speaking whatever offense authorities want to arrest him for. Imagine a defense attorney trying to convince a normal American jury that what they are seeing with their own eyes is a fabrication.

Among Americans there doesn’t appear to be any awareness of what is off limits if freedom is to survive. I am convinced that whatever its advocates intend, the consequence of #ArtificialIntelligence is to displace humans from human functions and to commit us all to rule by tyrants. Are the few, tiny benefits of #AI worth the destruction of human independence and freedom?

I believe there is no way off this road to pure Hell and the destruction of mankind.

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