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The Perfect Storm in Healthcare and What it Means for Investors

The Perfect Storm in Healthcare and What it Means for Investors

Presented By

You are cordially invited on behalf of the Financial Policy Council’s Board of Directors, to our next Financial Policy Council private briefing with a panel of 4 expert speakers discussing the global state of healthcare and the reasons why it makes sense to fix US healthcare now!

  • TOPIC: The Perfect Storm in Healthcare is Here and What It Means for Investors
  • DATE: Thursday, 14 July 2016
  • TIME: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
  • LOCATION: The Graduate Center / CUNY at 365 Fifth Avenue at The Elebash Recital Hall – On the main floor of the building and on the left as you enter into the main lobby

Everyone knows that global healthcare systems are dinosaurs.  The problem is that most people do not understand how the systems work in order to effect change.  On July 14th, experts from healthcare, medicine, and medical tourism will come together for an explosive panel discussion uncovering where healthcare has gone wrong and how to put the power back in the hands of the consumers.

  1. Broken Healthcare Systems (What is broken, why?)
  2. The 3 Factors influencing the decline of healthcare
  3. The rise of Medical Tourism
  4. The 3 Factors driving the Perfect Storm in Healthcare
    – What it means for your family
    – How you can make money from it

Business Attire please.


Please register as soon as you can by answering directly to the Board member who invited you as this event is “by invitation” only and as seating is limited.


Ziad K. Abdelnour

Moderator, Chairman FPC

The Panelists

Mr. Christopher Fey

bigbang HEALTH

Dr. Lev Paukman

MD VitaMore+

Mr. Adam Henick

AdvantageCare Physicians

Mr. Marco Castro​

El Salvador Tourism & Economic Development

Event Sponsor

The Perfect Storm in Healthcare and What it Means for Investors
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
  • 6:00 - 8:30 PM
  • The Graduate Center / CUNY at 365 Fifth Avenue at The Elebash Recital Hall – On the main floor of the building and on the left as you enter into the main lobby

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