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Category: Ziad K. Abdelnour

Understanding and dealing with bubbles – a review of the state of the art

Take a close look around you. There seems to be today bubbles boiling up everywhere. There are bubbly stock markets...


The U.S. energy industry is undergoing a change of direction, as President Trump focuses on economic policies that help the...

The FATCA Debacle Requires Repeal

In April 2017, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) finally brought efforts to repeal the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)...

Turning around the US Economy:- My Top Recommendations for President elect Trump

The people have finally spoken. Donald J. Trump has won and will be our next President for the next four...

To all those wide-eyed millennials looking for a break

It breaks my heart to see millions of millennials still chasing rainbows and hoping that the US government or a...


That’s what I call the Brexit vote – “Breaksit.” It breaks stereotypes, it cuts across demographics, it astounds the pundits,...

The Symbiosis of Institutional Investors and Activist Hedge Funds

Second quarter 2016 has waxed brutally for hedge funds in the realm of regulatory compliance. The Securities and Exchange Commission...

Emerging Economies – Black Holes or Treasure Troves?

It is often said that there is no gain without risk. The greater the risk, the greater the potential gain;...

Financial Impacts of Foreign Events

Events around the world have an impact on financial policy, investment strategy, trade and commerce, and each of these has...

Hedge Fund Performance and Regulation

The hedge fund industry has taken quite a hit over the past year, leaving institutional investors fairly disappointed with ROI...

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