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Category: US economy

Cyber Protection of US Critical Infrastructure

 Our previous blog US Critical National Infrastructure… examined physical attacks on the US utility sector and technologies that may be...

What $1.8 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine Means for American Consumers

On December 21, 2022, President Joe Biden and the Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, announced that the United States will...

Does the United States Still Have an Economy?

 The US financial sector has long looted other countries. A number of participants have described the process. First a country...

The Blueprint for Community Banks in a Digital World

Historically, community banks have been the pillar for any community, as they take care of the needs of the local...

Why Keep the Mortgage Interest Deduction Intact for Now

Arguments over the mortgage interest deduction are not new and arise from both sides of the political spectrum. It’s important...

Turning around the US Economy:- My Top Recommendations for President elect Trump

The people have finally spoken. Donald J. Trump has won and will be our next President for the next four...

What Would Our Founding Fathers Think if They were Alive Today?

I believe the Founding Fathers would surely be proud of the vastness and strength of the United States, but they...

The Power to turn the US Economy – Financial Policy Council

People keep asking me what would I do if I had the power to turn the US Economy around given...

My Thoughts Regarding Wealth Redistribution

Much of the rhetoric we’re hearing in the media today talks about the huge gap between rich and poor. Politicians...

Wealth Takers v/s Wealth Creators Some food for thought

The natural state of our economy is prosperity. Freedom guarantees that. The only force capable of undermining it is government....

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