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Category: Money

Why don’t we let Banks Fail?

Bloomberg had a story, a couple of days ago, about BofA moving Merrill Lynch derivatives to its retail-banking subsidiary. The...

On Tax Cuts for the Middle Class and the Wealthy

It is a known fact today that extreme conservatives push for tax cuts (but just for the wealthy) and extreme...

Have we learned anything from the Financial Crisis of 2007?

I would say nothing at all…. In fact, instead of changing their behavior to prevent another crisis, the Powers-that-be seem...

How stupid does Wall Street think we all are? – Financial Policy Council

While the big boys try to sell the “dumb money” on a recovery under a “greater fool” theory, the smart...

Wreckonomics: America’s Fiscal Policy in Action

“The Moment of Truth” is upon us or so proclaims the title of the report issued by the bi-partisan National...

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