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Category: Knowledge

CHECKMATE COMMUNISM: The Most Critical Chess Game of Our Lives 

Imagine a revolving chessboard where the PAWNS (our individual freedoms) scramble for sure-footing against the onslaught of the KNIGHTS (their...

The Financial Policy Council-Cultivating Liberty, Championing Prosperity, and Shaping America’s Future

My fellow patriots and champions of liberty, The Financial Policy Council stands as a beacon of hope in these turbulent...

Revolutionizing Your Image: Unique Strategies for Impactful Personal Branding

Introduction  In a digital era where your personal brand can be your strongest asset, how do you stand out from...

Uniting America: A Journey Back to Foundational Ideals and Forward to Prosperity

Introduction:  In today’s America, a chasm has formed, dividing the nation into increasingly polarized camps. This division is not merely...

The Ultimate Guide to Launching and Scaling Your Startup Dream

Do you have a brilliant business idea but aren’t sure how to get started? As a mentor, leader, and Founder...

Garbage In, Garbage Out: Why Bad Data is Worse Than No Data

Since the 80s or 90s, computers have grown in importance not just in a personal sense but in a business...

Is the Intellectual Elite Out of Touch with Reality?

It has been a central conceit of the progressive movement since the early 1900’s that simply getting enough smart people...

Why Financial Education?

It is a sad fact today that most people starting with students are financially illiterate. Here are some sobering facts:...

Monetizing your Knowledge – Convert Knowledge into Money

It is amazing the number of people  I meet on a daily basis who have all kinds of knowledge stored...

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