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Category: 2022

Women and the Green

What do you ponder when you. think about golf? Most people picture a group of wealthy businessmen exchanging murmurs on...

Bucking the Status Quo

Somewhere around 100AD a Roman named Tacitus said, “If you would know who controls you see who you may not...

Does the United States Still Have an Economy?

 The US financial sector has long looted other countries. A number of participants have described the process. First a country...

Transformational Healthcare: Reversing the Effects of a Broken System and Ill Health

Healthcare used to be a rather simple transaction between a physician and his patient. However, with knowledge and technological advancements...

Compliance – Not Technology – Crowns FinTech Champions

Technology advances have simplified the process to offer digital services through embedded finance. Any company can choose to pivot or...

Inflation and Government Financial Threats Will Fuel the Rise of Bitcoin

While most articles predict mass adoption of cryptocurrencies by focusing solely on the merits of blockchain technology (which certainly looks...

Our Chaotic, Biased, Dishonest News Media — Threats, Mistakes and What to Do About It

When Walter Cronkite read the news in the 1960s and ‘70s he was “the most trusted man in America.” There...

2022: Why Capitalism is the Only answer to freedom, prosperity and well-being.

Frankly, I don’t know what’s happening to America anymore. I am just afraid we have become a nation that has...

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