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Author: Ziad K. Abdelnour

Discerning Fact from Fiction

There was a time that governments and the groups of elites that controlled them did not find it necessary to...

Living your Life as a True Activist?

I believe that many people are living a life just for the sake of existence with no real purpose other...

Wealth Takers v/s Wealth Creators Some food for thought

The natural state of our economy is prosperity. Freedom guarantees that. The only force capable of undermining it is government....

Stop Procrastinating and Find a Reason to be Rich

I believe each one of us has a financial genius in him/her that is asleep and just waiting to be...

It is all about Money and the Media Stupid Wake up

Seventeen years ago, I read a book called The Evolving Self. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, it...

Why do we still listen Economists when Vast Majority Forecasting Wrong?

I have always been appalled with highly paid Ivy League economists and central bankers who sit in their Ivory Tower...

Is this Capitalism?

I believe there is nothing normal about what Ben Bernanke and the Federal government have done post the 2008 crisis...

America Tear down the wall before it’s too late

I am afraid America makes less sense every day. Little children are randomly slaughtered in their schoolrooms. Predator drones roam...

Investing Post Crisis

The crisis of 2007 has clearly created a new financial landscape out there and most of us are looking to...

Is this a Housing Scam or What Exactly?

We are told that there are only 1.74 million homes left for sale in this country and at current sales...