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Author: Ziad K. Abdelnour

Turning around the US Economy:- My Top Recommendations for President elect Trump

The people have finally spoken. Donald J. Trump has won and will be our next President for the next four...

To all those wide-eyed millennials looking for a break

It breaks my heart to see millions of millennials still chasing rainbows and hoping that the US government or a...

Making a Difference in Our Short Lives

As we proceed through life, many of us struggle with endless clashes between the tactical and strategic aspects of human...

Investors Can Boost Their Cybersecurity: Back to the Basics

Security Essential for Financial Transactions Online Now that the Cyberworld is upon us, most of us do most, if not...

Success and Ego – Two sides of the same coin?

I believe there is a very thin line between success and ego.  You cross that line and you could be...

When Will We Stop Blindly Pissing Away Money Down the R&D Rat Hole?

Let me start by saying that I am a physicist and have been involved with many of the leading U.S....

Is the Intellectual Elite Out of Touch with Reality?

It has been a central conceit of the progressive movement since the early 1900’s that simply getting enough smart people...

Harvard Business Review: Candid Arrogance or Just Plain Stupidity?

A few years back, I was in Hsinchu, Taiwan, (aka “Science City”) lecturing on technology strategies to 35 vice presidents...

Smart v/s Wealthy

While you may think that being smart, motivated, and talented would logically make you wealthy, unfortunately, this is often not...

Will Wall Street ever be fixed?

When it comes to the financial industry, there is a major fallacy that exists: that Wall Street deals only with...