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Want to truly Drain the Swamp?

  • December 15, 2024
Donald Trump giving a speech on the cover of a book written by Myles Francis

Some out of the box recommendations folks:

  1. Enact severe penalties, up to and including shutdown, of any agency that cannot pass a simple audit of how they spend our money (many can’t).
  2. Track down the fraudsters who stole hundreds of billions of dollars from welfare programs, #COVID relief efforts, the #PPP program, food stamps, Medicare, and more. Use all federal police powers to claw that money back.
  3. Give the President the power to impound funds that were appropriated by #Congress but went unspent by federal agencies.
  4. Offer rewards to federal employees who identify waste and innovative ways to save money. Give them a 10% bonus for every dollar saved.
  5. Stop all federal loan and grant programs to universities that have endowments of more than $1 billion, unless they freeze tuition.
  6. Lay down the law to debt-laden states like New York and Illinois: No federal bailouts are coming — get your fiscal house in order!
  7. Move federal agencies out of Washington, DC. House the Environmental Protection Agency in Flint, Michigan, the Department of Energy in Pittsburgh or Dallas, the Department of the Interior in Montana.
  8. Cut the $100 billion Department of Education budget in half and use the remaining money for scholarships for low-income families living in failed school districts so these kids can attend good schools.
  9. End all foreign aid programs and all funding of the IMF and World Bank. Instead, airdrop copies of Milton Friedman’s “Capitalism and Freedom” into poor countries whose struggling people most need its message.

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