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Forecasting our Future

  • January 2, 2025
Road counting up the years beginning at 2025, going into 2026, and 20207 in the distance

Hope all is well and that you all had a tremendous Holiday Season folks full of optimism and hope.

Now that the Holiday euphoria is over, I thought we would go back to reality and see where we are headed from here

As 2025 makes its debut, what future will it bring us?

My answers are not predictions, because there is so much of which even the best informed of us are unaware.

It is a fact that Putin and Lavrov are so much emphasizing their willingness to end the conflict in Ukraine diplomatically that they are likely to turn the Putin-delayed Russian victory into a defeat. This final strategic blunder by Putin will lead either to nuclear war or Putin’s surrender or to Putin’s removal by the Russian Military.

Considering this scenario, Trump’s government and Israeli pressure will result in Trump going to war with Iran unless Iran’s progressive new government surrenders. The war with Iran will become all consuming and will displace in importance all other Trump promised agendas. The swamp will be undisturbed, and the ruling elite will remain in control.

In other words, Washington’s Warfare State, which President Eisenhower warned against and President Reagan tried to derail, will continue in operation.

Yes, I know. This is not a happy message for a Happy New Year, but is is s realistic message.

The other more optimistic side of the coin though could be:

Trump will rid his administration from the distraction of war in order to focus on the restoration of America. He will accept Putin’s terms for ending the conflict in Ukraine, cease the flow of weapons and money into Ukraine, and refuse to attack Iran.

American manufacturing will be brought home from its locations abroad, and the middle class will slowly be rebuilt along with the tax base of cities and states.

The borders will be closed to illegal immigration and criminal elements will be rounded up and deported.

Washington will officially renounce its hegemonic agenda and claim of American exceptionalism. Regulatory agencies will be restored to their purpose and cease functioning as agents of the regulated entities…. and the list goes on

This is a happy outlook, but are corruption, evil, and material interests too well entrenched for it to be achieved? We can hope, but we should be prepared as it is likely that the worst is yet to come.

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