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The Drag Race of Digital Progress… Are You Belted In?

The Drag Race of Digital Progress… Are You Belted In?

You are cordially invited on behalf of the Financial Policy Council’s Board of Directors, to our next Financial Policy Council power summit featuring a panel discussion covering what the changing digital landscape, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Information on Demand mean for digital media, its investors, and content creators.  You don’t want to miss this!

  • TOPIC: The Drag Race of Digital Progress…Are You Belted In?
  • DATE: Friday, April 7, 2017
  • TIME: 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
  • LOCATION: The Graduate Center / CUNY at 365 Fifth Avenue at The Elebash Recital Hall – On the main floor of the building and on the left as you enter into the main lobby

Business Attire please.

Tickets are $49 per person.  Please register by clicking the link below.​


Ziad K. Abdelnour

Moderator, Chairman FPC

The Panelists

Mr. Jason Cherubini

CEO, Seraphim Associates

Mr. Vijay Lakshman

Co-founder, Mythborn Media

Mr. Joe Nagy

CEO, Nagy Films

Mr. Richard Switzer

Film Producer, Dawn's Light

The Drag Race of Digital Progress… Are You Belted In?
Friday Apr 07, 2017
  • 6:00 - 8:30 PM
  • The Graduate Center / CUNY at 365 Fifth Avenue at The Elebash Recital Hall – On the main floor of the building and on the left as you enter into the main lobby

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